In current times, merely within ten years the discourse has started in Urdu literature up on the philosophy of Postmodernism and Deconstructionism. Undoubtedly, almost all big critics in Urdu literature are involved in this discourse. At the same time it has attracted a lot of creative writers to follow the theme.
Abrar Mujeeb, a fiction writer from the Industrial City of Jamshedpur [India], has written such stories that represent the Philosophy of Deconstructionism. After 1980, the Urdu fiction has turned towards new colorful dimensions. Some new important names have happened to appear up on the horizon of Urdu short stories including NayyarMassod, SyedMohammadAshraf, SaajidRasheed, Ghzanfer, MusharrafAlamZaouqi, PaighamAafaqi, ShamuelAhmed, TariqChatari, SamimAfzaQamar, FarhatParveen, Qamar Jahan, ZakiyaMashhadi, KhursheedHayat, MahmoodShahid, AzraNaqvi, Shaheera Msroor, and GhiyasurRahman. Abrar Mujeeb is an important name in the equal list.
In his fictions we found the techniques of deconstructionism which has affected other story writers in Urdu to come closer to this. It is ought to understand that the communication techniques in deconstructionism are different than a narrative style of writing. It communicates through an alternative logic and subject next to the real text. Deconstructionism is not directly related to the subject matter of the story rather than it gives emphasis to the meaning of the text which undergoes in between the lines. So a deconstructionist critic or writer always stresses to communicate through the unwritten lines of his text which exist invisibly in his narration. The philosophy of deconstructionism can not be bounded with the text by any means, rather than it can be limited to the unlimited boundaries of the text beyond the text. The ideas presented beyond the text are suppose to be more genuine, authentic, and factual. So in order to review or form a creative writing the awareness of its ‘further than text expression’ pays vital role in the whole creative scenario.
Abrar Mujeeb’s story ‘The scenario of night’ is a wonderful story. The habitual changes of day to day life, the look of life and death, the eternal journey of mankind and the universe, the conflict between evil and devil and the psycho-sociological changes of the human societies are tied-up in a single knot. As if the human life and the nature were interdependent to each other to unveil themselves. It is a common concept that the occurrence of an incident depends up on the movement of the earth and this is the concept of the serial time which is defined as a subordinating cause of beingness. In this fiction Abrar Mujeeb has stated the idea that the occurrence of an incident not only depends up on the time. The nature and the universe are eventful in such incident to take place. In ‘The scenario of night’ he writes while describing the scene of an evening:
“… the redness of the evening is looking blackish far in the horizon, though it has not spread out like a spot on the blueness of the
sky as the spots of clotted blood, spreads up on the floor of a
slaughter house.”
At a second put he writes:
“…there is a bridge up on the chest of the river. At the moment
train has not passed over it and possibly all the scenario is
waiting for some important time or moment and are vanished
in their own”.
At the last when the story comes to end, the redness of the horizon turns into spreaded spots of frozen clotted blood and “at the same time a train passes through the bridge and the whole picture disappears up on the screen of the thick fog, perhaps these pictures were waiting for the same time or moment”. Superficially it is just scenery, but virtually it is scenery which looks for some or more happenings or incidents to be added in it. And they all inevitably fall together at one point to become the part of a big happening or a scene. In the eyes of the story writer every thing which is happening or going to be happen is the integral part of this universe. The time and the place are inevitably put together along with the happenings to take place. Thus the conclusion comes from all occurrences that they all are predefined to occur. Though the tale of this story is of less worth but the whole treatment is excellent.
Story “The fragrance of own soil” is written up on the philosophy of regional existentialism. In this story the basic identity of an individual and society has been brought to notice. An individual can not be the strength of a society if not he is ready to love and protect his identity. Consequently, the basic identity is as urgent for success in every aspects of life. The is the point where the individual and the society comes to strength. The strength and identity of a society depends upon the strength and identity of its individuals. The life then starts moving smoothly. Abrar Mujeeb also tries to strengthen and protect his soil.
Story “The rain” is simple in its expression but deep in its meaning. Story “Thrust” is a show of prohibited creativity. Story “The water way of backside” shows the everlasting continuation of time. Besides this his stories “First task” “On the same turn” “Death” “The story of stories” are his best stories.
Summarizing all, we see that the stories of Abrar Mujeeb are the stories of the communication of deconstructionism and prohibited creativity. More to the point, all these stories represents some or more thoughts and ideas of the philosophy of his age. Individuals, Society, characters, feelings, emotions, affairs and thoughts every thing being all together generates a deep taste of life in his stories. He creates a link between the post-modern sensibility and universality. In the backdrop of his feelings and emotions and through his carefulness he teaches us to live with an extended thought of life. We feel that at the artistic level, through locating his own way Abrar Mujeeb passes through a self evaluating situation. These evaluations act like determiner and make his stories successful. Small things and small signs are of worth importance for him. The study of life through the mirror of deconstructionism has come closer to his art. He put his first creative step on the road to the life itself and the second to the universe.
Abrar Mujeeb is an active and sensitive artist. His stories are decent, loving and alive. He is regarded as an important short story writer after 1980. Considering his style of writing and thinking he is regarded as a short story writer of high repute among the generation of writers in Urdu after 1980.
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